Now that spring is here in Oklahoma City, OK, it’s time to be on the lookout for five common weeds that can invade your lawn. These weeds are dandelions, chickweeds, henbits, clovers, and crabgrass. They all have distinct appearances, so spotting them on your property shouldn’t be a problem. And when you see them, it’s best to take appropriate measures to eliminate them before they grow and spread. Continue reading to learn what these weeds look like, how they spread, what conditions they thrive in, and the best ways to deal with them.
1. Dandelions

Dandelions bloom in the spring. You’ll be able to easily identify them because they have yellow flower blossoms after blooming. As time goes on, the yellow flowers will slowly recede, and their seeds will emerge at the ends of their stems. You may have noticed these weeds before because they look like little cotton balls. Well, those are actually seeds. The wind will carry those seeds all over, which is how dandelions spread and reproduce. Dandelions seem to grow just about anywhere, but they tend to do well in thin lawns where they have room to establish their roots and grow. The best way to deal with dandelions is with pre-emergent weed control before seed germination. If you didn’t apply any pre-emergent control, then post-emergent controls will still work during their active growth period.
2. Chickweed

Chickweed is a short weed that is typically around two inches tall. You can identify them this spring because their flowers consist of five white petals that are deeply divided, which gives the appearance that they actually have ten petals. The seeds prefer cooler temperatures, so they typically begin germinating in late winter to early spring. However, if your soil is moist, then chickweed can also grow when it’s warmer. Its seeds are contained in capsules at the end of the stalk, and each plant can produce approximately 800 seeds. Chickweeds should be controlled using pre-emergent control, and the treatment should be applied before they start germinating. If this type of weed is already established in your lawn, you can eliminate it through post-emergent weed control treatments.
3. Henbit

Henbit is a common weed that can be identified by the little purple flowers blooming atop its stem. When inspected closer, you should notice that the stem is square rather than round. They prefer growing in moist, fertile soils, particularly in fall and early spring. Henbit produces anywhere from 40-200 seeds and can spread them rapidly. It’s best to deal with henbit with pre-emergent weed control. Post-emergent can help control the population, but it becomes very difficult with how fast they spread, so multiple applications and patience may be necessary.
4. Clover

Clovers have three dark-green leaflets with white crescent-shaped marks. The flowers are clusters of white blossoms with a tinge of pink. They prefer moist soil and the sun, and they will spread their seeds aggressively. Pre-emergent weed control is the most effective way to handle these plants because they are difficult to control with post-emergent weed control.
5. Crabgrass

Crabgrass has light-green blades with a coarse texture. Crabgrass favors thin turf with bare spots, so they have room to grow. They reproduce by spreading seeds, but the seeds won’t germinate unless the soil is at least fifty-five degrees Fahrenheit for three consecutive days. Pre-emergent herbicides are the best way to deal with these weeds, and they should be applied before the seeds have a chance to germinate. You should consider first applying pre-emergent when soil temperatures first reach fifty-five degrees Fahrenheit. If you missed the opportunity to apply pre-emergent weed control, then you can still apply post-emergent weed control, but it’ll need to be applied while the plants are still young for maximum efficacy.
Keep your lawn thick and lush by pairing weed control with fertilizer treatments to help keep weeds like crabgrass from invading!
Call us today to enroll in our weed control program!
To avoid these common weeds from invading your lawn this spring, it’s best to make sure you’re fully covered. At Elite Lawn Care, we’ll visit your property eight times throughout the year to keep these weeds and more from infesting your lawn. We service properties in Oklahoma City, OK, and surrounding cities like Edmond and Mustang. Call us today at (405) 735-1223 to enroll in our weed control program!
Keep your lawn thick and lush by pairing weed control with fertilizer treatments to help keep weeds like crabgrass from invading!
Call us today to enroll in our weed control program!
To avoid these common weeds from invading your lawn this spring, it’s best to make sure you’re fully covered. At Elite Lawn Care, we’ll visit your property eight times throughout the year to keep these weeds and more from infesting your lawn. We service properties in Oklahoma City, OK, and surrounding cities like Edmond and Mustang. Call us today at (405) 735-1223 to enroll in our weed control program!