How to Keep Your Pets Safe During Lawn Care Season

Our lawns in Oklahoma thrive with routine lawn care treatments, but you always want to be certain that these treatments are safe for all your family members, including the furry ones! The first step in ensuring your pet’s safety is to always keep your pet indoors during applications so they do not have any prolonged […]
Your Guide to Rejuvenating Your Lawn After Winter

Is your lawn in need of a pick-me-up after another long, harsh winter season here in Oklahoma? If so, here are 3 lawn care treatments that are perfect for rejuvenating your lawn and helping it successfully emerge from winter dormancy. Soil conditioning treatments reduce soil compaction and improve your lawn’s ability to absorb water and vital […]
Now Is the Time to Sign Up for Preventative Grub Control

Because grub damage doesn’t typically appear here in Oklahoma until the late summer, it might seem a bit early to worry about preventative grub control. However, due to the life cycle of grubs, preventative measures need to be taken as early as April. By investing in preventative grub treatments now, you will save yourself money on […]
We Ranked on Inc. Regional’s List of Fastest-Growing Companies in the US!

The team here at Elite Lawn Care is overjoyed to announce that we’ve earned a spot on Inc. Regional’s List of Fastest-Growing Companies in the US! We ranked No. 115 for the Southwest region and are honored to be among a notable list of alumni such as Zappos, Under Armour, Microsft, Intuit, and more. This […]
Live Holiday Trees

Live holiday trees are a great way to protect our natural resources while keeping memories of the holiday season going for years to come! Tree Selection The first step is to visit a nursery or tree farm and ask for a tree that is either container-grown or balled and burlapped, with a strong root ball. […]
Winter Landscapes Can Be Beautiful Too!

Gray skies and gloomy weather are the norm for most of the winter season, but that doesn’t mean your property needs to look drab. You can easily add some “cold-weather flair” to your landscape with the right plantings this fall. There are plenty of plants that will provide attractive colors, shapes and textures throughout the […]
Watering the Right Way

Good watering practices can make a big difference in the looks and health of your lawn. Plus, by encouraging healthier growth, you’ll be improving your turf’s ability to stand up to insects, disease, and stressful summer weather. Even though we are heading into fall and then winter, your lawn still needs plenty of water. Here […]
Your Trees Could Be Under Attack!

The adult moth lays her eggs on the underside of leaves in ‘hair’-covered clusters of a few hundred. Eggs hatch in about a week. Female moths cannot fly but the larvae can disperse. Very small caterpillars can spin strands of silk and be carried by wind, an activity called “ballooning”. Larger larvae may crawl to […]
A Quenching Soak

During the hot days of summer, watering your lawn seems like an obvious necessity. It is crucial to remember that your method of watering can be just as important as the fact that you are watering at all. In the middle of a hot, dry summer, getting the grass blades wet will not do the […]
Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and ticks – you literally wouldn’t wish them on a dog. Yet environmental conditions, proximity to woods and open fields, and wildlife and pets near your home can lead to an infestation of these pesky and potentially harmful critters. The good news is that professional treatment programs will help rid your lawn of fleas and ticks. […]