Good watering practices can make a big difference in the looks and health of your lawn. Plus, by encouraging healthier growth, you’ll be improving your turf’s ability to stand up to insects, disease, and stressful summer weather. Even though we are heading into fall and then winter, your lawn still needs plenty of water. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:


If watering restrictions are in place, we encourage you to follow your city/county guidelines for water conservation, watering your lawn, trees and shrubs whenever allowed.

If watering restrictions are in place, we encourage you to follow your city/county guidelines for water conservation, watering your lawn, trees and shrubs whenever allowed.

Good watering practices can make a big difference in the looks and health of your lawn. Plus, by encouraging healthier growth, you’ll be improving your turf’s ability to stand up to insects, disease, and stressful summer weather.

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