Here’s What to Do if You See Armyworms on Your Lawn in Oklahoma

Armyworms are small pests that can cause giant headaches to residents in Oklahoma if left unchecked. These tiny insects love to feed on your grass and they can cause extensive damage to your lawn if they aren’t dealt with in a timely fashion. If you notice an armyworm infestation on your property, you should reach […]
Keep Flea & Ticks Off of Your Property by Following These 3 Tips

Fleas and ticks can be a real nuisance here in Oklahoma. They can carry dangerous diseases that are transmitted through their bites, which is why it’s important to keep them off of your property by following these 3 tips: mow your grass on a regular basis, keep your lawn free of any debris, and sign […]
What to Look for When Hiring a Perimeter Pest Control Company

Insects in Oklahoma have a knack for entering your home uninvited. Your house shelters them from the sun and other environmental conditions, which is why you should consider hiring a perimeter pest control company to keep them out. Professional pest control treatments will keep bugs out of your personal space, so you don’t have to […]
Nitrogen & Potassium – The Most Important Nutrients in Lawn Fertilizer

Lawn fertilizer contains a wide variety of nutrients that are utilized to help your grass grow and be healthy. However, there are two specific nutrients found in fertilizer that are considered far more important than the rest. Those nutrients are nitrogen and potassium. Nitrogen is instrumental in fueling grass growth, while potassium is key in […]
5 Common Weeds to Watch Out for in Oklahoma City, OK This Spring

Now that spring is here in Oklahoma City, OK, it’s time to be on the lookout for five common weeds that can invade your lawn. These weeds are dandelions, chickweeds, henbits, clovers, and crabgrass. They all have distinct appearances, so spotting them on your property shouldn’t be a problem. And when you see them, it’s […]
4 Ways to Keep Your Property in Oklahoma City, OK Free of Mosquitoes

Mosquito season is upon us in Oklahoma City, OK. If left alone, these annoying bugs can multiply fast, leaving you swatting the air every time you step outside your home. Now is the time to start taking steps to deal with them before they get out of hand. First, you want to remove any excess […]
Lawn Fertilization & Weed Control – The Perfect Pair

In life, some things just work perfectly together. Think of pairs like peanut butter and jelly or cheese and wine. Well, in the lawn industry, that perfect pairing is lawn fertilizer and weed control. Fertilizer supplies your grass with the nutrients it needs to thrive while weed control treatments ensure that those nutrients aren’t stolen […]
What is Pre-Emergent Weed Control & When Should It Be Applied?

It’s no secret weeds are a nuisance. They steal the resources and nutrients reserved for your grass and plants, and if you’ve dealt with them before, you know how difficult they can be to control. Well, there’s an easy way to stop them from popping up on your lawn in the first place, and that’s […]
Bagworm Season Is here – Don’t Let Your Trees Fall Victim to These Pests

Bagworm season is in full swing in Oklahoma. That means it’s time to protect your trees from these tiny nuisances before they become a big problem. Bagworms will attach themselves to a tree, and they can be identified by the distinct “bag” they wrap themselves in before they start feeding on the foliage of your […]
Pre-Emergent vs Post-Emergent Weed Control: Do You Really Need Both?

Weeds have no place on your lawn. Aside from detracting from your curb appeal, weeds will steal nutrients from your grass. To ensure this doesn’t happen, you need pre- and post-emergent weed control treatments. Pre-emergent weed control is your lawn’s first line of defense against weeds. These treatments prevent weeds from emerging on your lawn […]