Banner Field Of Henbit Weeds With Weed Control Applied

It’s no secret weeds are a nuisance. They steal the resources and nutrients reserved for your grass and plants, and if you’ve dealt with them before, you know how difficult they can be to control. Well, there’s an easy way to stop them from popping up on your lawn in the first place, and that’s by using pre-emergent weed control. Pre-emergent needs to be applied in late fall as well as late winter and early spring to stop weeds before they have a chance to breach your soil.

While pre-emergent weed control treatments are extremely effective at controlling the bulk of the weed seeds germinating in your lawn, there is always a chance that particularly pesky weeds will slip through. In Oklahoma for example, dandelions and henbits may still find a way to penetrate your soil. If you find that they’re still appearing even after applying pre-emergent weed control, then that means it’s time to apply a post-emergent to get rid of any stragglers.

How does pre-emergent weed control work?

Pre-emergent weed control being applied to lawn with blue coloring in Del City, OK.

Spring is a time for growth for your plants and grass as well as the pesky weed seeds in your lawn. To stop weeds from sprouting and infesting your lawn, it’s best to apply pre-emergent weed control to handle them. A pre-emergent weed control treatment is effective against newly germinated seeds—it does not work on seeds that are past a certain point in the germination process. What this treatment does is inhibit both the weed’s root and shoot growth by essentially creating a barrier that prevents them from penetrating the soil. Eventually, they will die because they cannot breach the soil and further their growth and development.

When should pre-emergent weed control be applied?

Getting the timing right for pre-emergent weed control is crucial. Pre-emergents are only effective at a certain point in a weed seed’s growth cycle. Therefore, they should be applied in late winter and early spring to be most effective. Any later than this, and you may already see weeds sprouting in your yard, which means you’ll have to turn to other methods to control their population. Another great time to add a pre-emergent treatment to your lawn is in the late fall season. This will help prevent weeds that grow during the winter and sprout in the spring.

If you notice weeds after applying pre-emergent, you can use post-emergent treatments.

Elite professional applying post-emergent weed control to Del City, OK.

While pre-emergent is very effective at controlling the weed population before they have a chance to emerge, there are times when some stubborn weeds will still sneak through. Some may start to germinate after the pre-emergent wears off and begin sprouting from your soil. But don’t fret! There are still ways to deal with these stragglers. Post-emergent treatments will target the ones that have emerged and sprouted through your soil. These should be applied directly to the growing weed. The product will kill the weed all the way down to its root, preventing it from sprouting again.

Pair weed control with fertilizer treatments to strengthen your lawn and help it fight off invasive weeds!

Keep your lawn protected against stubborn weeds! Call us to enroll in our weed control program today!

It can take a lot of time and effort to remove weeds yourself. Why not sit back and relax while we take care of them for you? At Elite Lawn Care, we specialize in getting rid of weeds, so your lawn gets all the nutrients it needs to thrive. When you sign up for our weed control program, we’ll visit your property nine times throughout the year to apply weed control treatments, which includes three applications of pre-emergent weed control in late winter and early spring. We service residential properties in the Oklahoma City, OK area, including cities like Edmond and Mustang. Call us today at (405) 735-1223 and enroll in our weed control program to keep your lawn protected!

Pair weed control with fertilizer treatments to strengthen your lawn and help it fight off invasive weeds!

Keep your lawn protected against stubborn weeds! Call us to enroll in our weed control program today!

It can take a lot of time and effort to remove weeds yourself. Why not sit back and relax while we take care of them for you? At Elite Lawn Care, we specialize in getting rid of weeds, so your lawn gets all the nutrients it needs to thrive. When you sign up for our weed control program, we’ll visit your property nine times throughout the year to apply weed control treatments, which includes three applications of pre-emergent weed control in late winter and early spring. We service residential properties in the Oklahoma City, OK area, including cities like Edmond and Mustang. Call us today at (405) 735-1223 and enroll in our weed control program to keep your lawn protected!

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