Banner Hands Feeling Healthy Soil From Lawn

Most people with a lawn are probably familiar with compacted soil and the way that it can negatively impact the growth of your grass. There are many ways to combat soil compaction, but one of the most effective ways is through soil conditioning. For many residents in Oklahoma, soil conditioning is worth considering because it is a non-invasive method to loosen your compacted soil. It achieves this great feat by creating microscopic pores in your soil, which in turn, helps reduce the rate of soil compaction so that your grass can have easy access to resources and nutrients. When scheduling a soil conditioning service, it is best to sign up for a program because the product needs to be applied multiple times so that your soil will remain in pristine condition throughout the entire growing season. Continue reading to learn more about soil conditioning and why this service is worth it and won’t be a waste of money!

What is soil conditioning?

Elite professional applying soil conditioning treatment to lawn in Edmond, OK.

To put it simply, soil conditioning is the process of creating microscopic pores in your soil. This is achieved by utilizing a specialized spraying tool to administer the product onto your lawn. The product is designed to change the composition of your soil, which helps loosen up any compacted soil on your lawn. This makes soil conditioning a great, non-invasive alternative to core aeration, which for many people, makes this process the better solution to combat compacted soil.

Why is soil conditioning done?

When your soil is compacted, it makes it much more difficult for nutrients and other resources to reach the roots of your grass, which can affect the development and overall health of your turf. When the soil conditioning product is sprayed onto your lawn, then it changes the composition of your soil to make it easier for those nutrients and other resources to reach the root zone of your grass. When administered onto your lawn, soil conditioning leads to a lot of additional benefits that can help your grass throughout the year such as:

All of these benefits mean a healthier lawn that can better withstand environmental stressors, as well as build a stronger resistance to pests and lawn diseases.

Granular fertilizer being applied to lawn after soil conditioning treatment in Mustang, OK.

Pair soil conditioning with a lawn fertilization treatment to give your lawn a boost in nutrients!

When should soil conditioning be scheduled?

When it comes to soil conditioning, it should be scheduled multiple times from spring through fall so your soil is always in the best condition. That way, your grass can grow strong and remain healthy even during the more stressful periods of the year. The best way to ensure your soil stays in pristine condition throughout the growing season is to sign up for a soil conditioning program. By signing up for one of these programs, you no longer have to worry about when and how often soil conditioning treatments should be applied. A professional will map out a schedule and they will ensure the treatment is applied when your soil needs it the most.

Give us a call today to schedule our soil conditioning service!

Soil conditioning will ensure your lawn has access to the essential nutrients and resources it needs to stay healthy. At Elite Lawn Care, our soil conditioning service includes five visits from spring through the fall to help your lawn throughout the growing season. We service residential properties in the Oklahoma City, OK area, as well as surrounding areas like Edmond and Mustang. Give us a call today at (405) 679-2631 to schedule our soil conditioning service for your lawn!

Pair soil conditioning with a lawn fertilization treatment to give your lawn a boost in nutrients!

Give us a call today to schedule our soil conditioning service!

Soil conditioning will ensure your lawn has access to the essential nutrients and resources it needs to stay healthy. At Elite Lawn Care, our soil conditioning service includes five visits from spring through the fall to help your lawn throughout the growing season. We service residential properties in the Oklahoma City, OK area, as well as surrounding areas like Edmond and Mustang. Give us a call today at (405) 679-2631 to schedule our soil conditioning service for your lawn!

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